

Here's the second part of my MONTHLY AWARDS including the months January, February and March.
Just a reminder how I use them.
Every day my students can earn an award for performing good discipline,participation, class work, reading or handwriting.They take the award home, show to their parents, color and give me back.At the end of each month we count the awards and the student who has gained most awards is chosen the Star of the Month.
Find the first part of my Monthly Awards here.
Find the Star of the Month printables here.

You can download the PDF file below

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Freebie Fridays

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1. susanlulu said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you SO very much for the poem printables! I love them!!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!

2. Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

@susanluluhank you Susan for taking the time to leave me a "Thank you":)

3. susanlulu said... Best Blogger Tips

I got your blog post and tried to make a printable of the "Star", but it said I had to pay. I did get the ones for each month, but not the one that had "Star" with info to fill out. Thanks.

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