

  Here you can find everything ABOUT ME you may want to know as a blogger, as a teacher and as a person.

"25 Things You Don't Know About Me"
inspired by the US weekly magazine and some of my 
favourite bloggers doing it in their blogs.

1. I was born in Armenia and my life changed 100 % when I got married and moved from Armenia to Lebanon.

2. I don't drive and get back home by the school bus or a taxi.

3. I can't swim and I'm OK with it!

4. I love RAIN as well as cloudy, foggy, windy weather!

5. I have a sweet tooth, you can never make me leave a wedding party without tasting the wedding cake! Look here

6. I decided to change my name on the first day of University and still have some friends calling me Vicky:)

7.I never win anything:(

8.I love everything connected with SPAIN, especially football and my biggest dream to visit Spain may happen this summer. (it did happen in 2012:)

9. I never wanted to be a school teacher.

10. I got a teaching job when I was 6 months pregnant.

11. My last 2 birthday gifts were a printer and a camera, next 2 ones I'm planning to be a laminator and a Cricut machine:)

12. I teach ESL and have 13 classes with 34-40 students in each. (a sigh)

13. My first blogging inspiration was the film "MOTHERHOOD" starring Uma Thurman.

14. I started blogging as an online backup for my files.

15. I am very shy to meet my students in public though can't remember a day I went out without being spotted by one of my students.

16. I am dreaming of having my classroom just to be able to decorate it.

17. I asked to be given a bulletin board to decorate this year.

18. I wonder if I could teach arts and crafts.

19. I hate replacing an absent teacher, could never be a sub.

20. I love including poems and songs in teaching. Look here

21. I am dreaming of publishing a book called "Enjoy Teaching English".

22. I am totally a Pinterest type person, everything should be pleasing to the eye.

23. My first crafting attempts were my son's 1st and 2nd Birthday Parties. Look here

24. I am stubborn, sensitive, impatient and shy, not the best character of a teacher, hmm

25. If not  a teacher...a dancer, a photographer or a graphic designer


Sharing Kindergarten is hosting a Linky Party

1) My digital camera

2) One sleeve dresses

3) sweet rolls

4) coffee

5)Spanish National Football Team

IKER CASILLAS (the goalkeeper)

I think the host should have put restrictions as to the number of favourites to avoid the endless list. I will be modest enough to stop at 5:)


Living a Wonderful Life is hosting a LINKY PARTY

This is where you can have a look at all my other 
obsessions and favourite things and everything I L.O.V.E!

I absolutely love my blog and I am obsessed with making it perfect and implementing the ideas I have in mind. I love blog stalking and am a regular reader of the blogs I follow.

3) F.O.N.T.S

One of the bloggers wrote about  www.wordmark.it .It's a great site where you can select, save and print the fonts that you have on your computer so I just did a small selection out of the huge number of fonts I have.

4) S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G




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