
EARTH DAY and RECYCLING (songs and a poem)

It is so important to raise environmentally aware students and kids these days. It's good to celebrate Earth Day but Earth needs our protection every day.
Recycling is the only way to protect sea animals and to decrease air pollution and global warming. And this education should start in early childhood, at school and at home, by teaching and by serving as an example.
I am planning to include more Recycling and Earth Day activities in my teaching curriculum this year. To start with, I searched for some cute songs and poems (unfortunately the authors are unknown and the links take nowhere) and turned them into printables.
They are simple and memorable and most importantly, the songs are sung to the tunes of popular songs so you don't need to spend time teaching the tune:)

You can download the PDF file below

Check out also my 10 Ways I Can Help the Earth post 

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Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Reduce Reuse Recycle,go green and save the Earth, a necessary subject to include in the teaching!

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