

Flashcards are an invaluable teaching tool especially when introducing new vocabulary and reinforcing the material presented, besides they can be used in a variety of fun and engaging activities.

None of my lessons are complete without flashcards.
I would like to share with 10 flashcard activities and games that I have found extremely effective and successful  throughout my teaching experience especially with beginner and elementary level.

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1. Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for sharing this at TBA and linking up!
Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas!
Fern Smith’s Pinterest Boards!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

That's great. Your activities with flashcards is interesting. Thanks for your share. And besides using flashcards with some games in my lesson, I use online flashcard for my students.I create cardset with content from my lessons and share them for my students. They like these flashcards, especially ones with images and sound.I'm really happy to know they also create flashcard and share together. You can try the site I use:

2. Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for linking up and sharing these fun little games!

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