

If you read my post about my 10 Summer Resolutions you might know that I was planning and dreaming to travel to Spain.So here I am with the visa and the ticket in my hands and can't believe I am finally going to make it... 
I am fully determined to make the most out of my stay in Barcelona and not to miss anything that's why the first thing that I did was to make this printable to make me more organized and make notes of everything before ,during and after my trip.

Have a look at the first page

Download the printable below
MY TRAVEL Printable
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1. Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Hope you are having a blast!

Mrs. Allen’s 5th Grade Files

2. Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you Corrina,soooo kind of you!I will share the photos on my Facebook page soon!@Corrina Allen

3. Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

Love your blog! You have so many great ideas!

I have given you an award...come on over and check it out!

The Polka-dotted Teacher

4. Jessica Ann Stanford said... Best Blogger Tips

Hope you're having a blast!!


Jessica Stanford
Mrs. Stanford's Class
I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥

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