
MY AWARDING SYSTEM (guest blogging)

Guess What?
I did it!
I did it for the First Time!
I am officially the Featured Guest Blogger over at

Kindergarten Lifestyle

Head over to Kindergarten Lifestyle where I share with my  Awarding System in all details.
It consists of

1-List of Students- 
It was used to keep track of my students' progress as well as record any behaviour problems.Every time a student misbehaved or didn't follow the rules he would get a warning and I would put a point on my list.3 warnings would lead him to do extra work or something by teacher's choice.
This list helped me a lot also for the report cards as I had to fill in around 300 report cards and I just needed some information about the students in hand.

List Template

2-Daily Awards-
I made Daily Awards for each month which students could earn at the end of the day for showing good discipline,participation,reading and handwriting.First I declared the names of the students and what they were awarded for and made notes on my list. Next day at the beginning of the lesson I distributed the awards and the students could color them in their free time or at home.

3-Star of the Month Award-
At the end of the month I looked at my list and counted the awards of each student and wrote them down. The student with the most number of awards earned was chosen the Star of the Month.
The Star of the Month was given The Star of the Month printable to be filled in at home.Then it was brought to school and was displayed throughout all the month.My third graders also got ALL ABOUT ME mini book as a small gift.
STAR OF THE MONTH 1 (poster)

STAR OF THE MONTH (freebie booklet)
  4-Academic Excellence Awards- 
Besides those awards my students could also get appreciated for showing excellence in their tests/exams and oral recitations.And these awards would also decorate the classroom.  

5-End of Year Awards- 
are given officially by the principal of the school and I used to have a hard time choosing the students who would get these awards as we are limited to 2 students per class.So this year I didn't have any problem selecting the students .I just had a look at my lists and  chose the student with the most daily and academic excellence awards.

Download my END OF YEAR awards here and here

Thank you to Jeannie for this great opportunity.

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1. Wolfelicious said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi! I just found your blog! I am your newest follower. I would love to have you stop by and visit me when you get a chance.


2. Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you April for following,I've been your faithful follower for a long time:)@April Kreitzer Wolfe

3. GHAZALA said... Best Blogger Tips

hi i am your newest follower you have a very interesting and informative blog i'd love to visit it very often.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Needed this, Gracias!.

4. carriebeez said... Best Blogger Tips

cute awards, I love the star of the month--def something I need to start in my room. thanks for linking up!

Carrie :)
The First Grade Derby

5. BABU said... Best Blogger Tips

Hello There,
I just wanted to see if you were currently interested in additional guest bloggers for your blog site.
I see that you've accepted some guest posters in the past - are there any specific guidelines you need me to follow while making submissions?
If you're open to submissions, whom would I need to send them to?
I'm eager to send some contributions to your blog and think that I can cover some interesting topics.
Thanks for your time,

6. Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

Dear Tess,
Just send me an e-mail (find it on the left-side bar) and specify the topics you can write about.It simply needs to follow my Blog's philosophy,anything related to teaching English.

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