Haidar from ,
Teri from and 
April from
are throwing a Summer Bucket List Linky Party

I had already planned to post my Summer Resolutions printable on the first of June but this Linky Party changed my plans.

So here I share with my top 10 Summer Resolutions concerning both my family and teaching!

1.If you have read my profile you might know that I speak Spanish and am in love with the Spanish culture so I'm super excited about my summer trip to Barcelona where my sister lives.

2.I am terribly afraid of heights and my husband has been trying to persuade me for years to take a cable car that takes you to the most sacred place in Beirut,to Harissa,so I have decided to surprise him this summer:)

3.Have started potty training my son together with the nursery though not yet very successful.Have to do this by the end of summer as he will start attending kindergarten from October.

4. I used to keep a diary jotting down the most interesting and memorable events and have so much fun reading it now.So this summer I want to go back to it.

5. My husband calls my laptop a labyrinth and claims one will never be able to find anything there.I am really determined to make all my folders and files super organized this summer.

6.What about my teaching files and papers it's a real challenge as I've been procrastinating for 2 years.This summer I am going to make this happen too!

7.I'm so much into blogging that can't do with only one blog.Have found a great free template and have some great ideas to put into my second blog.

8. I have already started this and have lost lots of weight in just 3 weeks.The secret is so simple:I started JUMPING A ROPE and cut down on some food ,especially bread and tried not to eat in the evenings.

9.I have been planning to make and publish a "Summer Activities"book for my students to have fun with during the summer vacations for 2 years.Have already got enough material to make it happen too!

10.I hate making a year lesson plan,just can't keep up to it and used to think that it's useless to do it.But I am starting to think that it can make my teaching much easier that's why I am going to do it.

I hope you kept reading and made it till the end to my longest ever post:)

And here's time for the free Summer Resolutions printable.

Fill it in with your Summer Resolutions and hang up at a visible place!:)

Download the PDF file below


I'm linking up with
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
I would recommend you to check out 
all the freebies that teachers share there

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Rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the freebie! Hope you have a super summer and get your bucket list knocked out! I have my bucket list ready so come by when you can!

Summer Dreamin',

Cupcake said... Best Blogger Tips

Spain... sounds AWESOME!! Thanks for linking up!!
A Cupcake for the Teacher

Darleen Chautin said... Best Blogger Tips

I just linked up with Manic Mondays too! Thank you for the freebie!!!!
Third Grade Love

Think, Wonder, and Teach said... Best Blogger Tips

Great list! I love that you are willing to try something new for your hubby! I too would be afraid of the cable car. Enjoy Barcelona!!

Think, Wonder, & Teach

Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

@ThinkWonder Teach
Thank you dear Misty!I just read all the way on the cable car it's going to take me 9 minutes...I'm sure it's going to last ages for me:(

Michelle Lundy said... Best Blogger Tips

Stopping by from Manic Monday...what a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

Making It As A Middle School Teacher

Sandra said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for sharing on Manic Monday. I am your newest follower.
Classroom Companion

Just Wild About Teaching said... Best Blogger Tips

your background is your newest follower....drop by

Just Wild About Teaching

Darleen Chautin said... Best Blogger Tips

I just awarded you with the One Lovely Blog Award! Check out my blog for more details.
Third Grade Love

Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

@Darleen Dufour
Thank you very much dear Darleen,so flattered:)

A Modern Teacher said... Best Blogger Tips

Spain is awesome! Drink some sangria for me and have tortilla de favorite!! Have a fun summer! Thanks for linking up,

PS and good luck with potty training..have you tried an incentive chart? That is what worked with my son.

Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

@A Modern Teacher
Thank you dear April,I am gonna make the most of my summer,especially SPAIN,will post the photos on my Facebook Page:)

As to potty training,I'm not doing an incentive chart,but will turn to it if it takes my son long to get rid of the diaper!

Nicole@Show Off Friday Blog Hop said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for stopping by and linking up. thanks for the great freebie. I hope you had a great weekend!

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