As a part of FLOWERS project that I posted previously,I taught my third graders 2 songs about flowers sung to the tunes of famous nursery rhymes:Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star and London Bridge is Falling Down respectively.

The lyrics of the first song I found on the net,the second one was written by our English Department coordinator.

Here is the printable of the songs.

And here is a video of my students performing the songs.
This video was taken on Halloween so my students look super cute,don't they?Later I taught them the gestures that go with the song but I wanted to post this video with their Halloween costumes:)


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Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Pretty! This has been an incredibly wonderful post. Many thanks for providing these details.
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Octavio said... Best Blogger Tips

Love them!!! They look really nice! Felicidades!

mariethe house said... Best Blogger Tips

smashing! your students are great and can sing really well! Their pronunciation is perfect!

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