ALPHABET (wordsearch)

This is a fun END OF YEAR activity I made for my first graders to review and practise alphabet.It can be done during the last week of school or be given as summer homework.
They are supposed to look at the picture and find its name in the word starting with the letter under the picture.There is one picture with every letter of the alphabet.
What I love about this worksheet that it is very engaging and can be done in pair work.

Download the PDF file below

Alphabet (wordsearch)

I am linking up with Manic Monday where teachers share their free resources

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

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Storytime Fun said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fun idea for kids who like letters and words. My oldest son loved these types of activities when he was in Kindergarten and first grade. :o)

Thanks for sharing!
K from SASS

HappyChinaDoll said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks! My daughter will have fun with this.

Naptime Review said... Best Blogger Tips

SASS... Great printables. Too bad I have a preschooler. She just got into finding letters she would love this if it was easier. LOL!

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Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

@Julie Marling
I also have a preschooler,so he'll need these for the coming years:)

Multi-Testing Mommy said... Best Blogger Tips

I am so excited that you linked up with SASS ( this week because now I have found you! I am a former Kindergarten teacher and am loving those printables! Thank you!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

What a cute idea! Thank you! :)

Jayda said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for sharing....that is actually really cool!


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