A Back to School crossword I am planning to use on the first day of school with my second graders.It's a great way of revising classroom vocabulary in a fun way and helps them know what each classroom object is used for.
The students are supposed to continue the sentence,fill in the crossword and match the word with the correct picture.


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I would recommend you to check all the freebies that teachers share over there each Monday.

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Annie Moffatt said... Best Blogger Tips

This looks super cute!

Confessions of a Teaching Junkie said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! Thanks for sharing!
Confessions of a Teaching Junkie
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luckeyfrog said... Best Blogger Tips

Great crossword! Hard to believe we're already thinking about back to school, isn't it? :)

Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

yeah,imagine that:)can't wait for the vacations,have made a huge summer resolutions list

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Excuse me..I want to know what is the right word (8) in the crossword..Thank you

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Great crossword...I would like to know what is the right word in 8 across..thank you

Sociedad Del Conocimiento UMB said... Best Blogger Tips

what are the answers in number 8 and 6 i cant

Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

@tatiana gonzalez Sorry for a late reply, for some time I had no access to my blog.
No 6 is poster, no 8 wastebasket

Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

@Jessica Bandera Navarro Thank you. Number 8 is wastebasket

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