TO-DO LIST (printable)

One of my most important resolutions this summer is Organization so the first step I did was to make a weekly To-Do List printable.

It includes 4 sections

1.School To-Do List -here I jot down important deadlines,exam submission dates and other reminders.

2.Shopping List-personal or school items that I need to purchase(it's not for grocery list)

3.Blogging To-Do List-what I'd like to post about and the Linky Parties I'd like to join.

4. Ideas List-Pinterest inspired or just the ideas I'd like to do,the worksheets or crafts I'd like to make.

Download the free PDF file below

TO DO LIST (printable)
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Patti White said... Best Blogger Tips

I accomplish so much more when I write it down. Thanks for the To Do List freebie! I just LOVE your name (Lusine)! It's beautiful! I am your newest follower. I saw that you visited my blog, so I hopped over here to check yours out. Good luck on your summer resolutions and happy blogging!
Patti :)
A Series of 3rd Grade Events

Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

@Patti White
Thank you dear Patti,I'm very flattered and so nice to meet you!

Jessica Ann Stanford said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you!!! I already do this pretty much daily on a piece of notebook paper and now it can actually look nice ;)

Jessica Stanford

Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

@Jessica Stanford
Thank you Jessica,

I am very glad that others can use it too:)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this! Printing right now :) thanks for stopping by my blog today! I am your newest follower.
:) Dana
Fun in 1st Grade

Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

Do you have this hosted anywhere else? I'd like to share it with my readers, but scribd is trying to make us pay or upload in order to access it. Thanks for considering it.

galereed said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi Lusine! Is this file downloadable from somewhere else? Scribd want a paid subscription to download it.

Lucia13 said... Best Blogger Tips

@Leslie atKindergartenWorksHi Leslie,I'm really disappointed to hear that Scribd is trying to benefit from my free downloadable files,I'll contact them later.Some of my files you can find also at,I'll try to upload all of the others there some of these days too.

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